David Braga is CEO, Board Advisor & Headhunter of Prime Talent Executive Search and, throughout his career, has evaluated and selected more than 15 thousand executives, serving national and international clients, throughout Latin America, for high-quality positions. management (Management, Directorships, Presidencies and Boards of Directors).
He is a board member and guest professor at Fundação Dom Cabral, columnist for BandNews FM radio and Daily Journal of Commerce. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of ABRH MG (Brazilian Association of Human Resources), ACMinas (Commercial Association of Minas Gerais) and ChildFund Brasil – Social Development Organization present in Brazil for 56 years.
He is the author of the book “Hired or Fired, it’s only up to you”, where he addresses relevant topics about talent management and the main competencies and skills required by organizations.
David is an Executive Coach certified by the International Association of Coaching and is a specialist in Microexpressions and Neuro-Linguistic Programming. He holds a degree in Public Relations from UNI-BH and a postgraduate degree in Strategic Marketing from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV). In addition, he has international professional experience in Trinidad and Tobago, England, Africa and the United States.
E-mail: david@primetalentbrasil.com.br
Phone numbers: +55 (31) 9 8493-8838 | +55 (11) 99626-8838
Bárbara Nogueira is Director, Career Advisor and Headhunter of Prime Talent Executive Search and, throughout her career, has evaluated and selected more than 15 thousand executives, serving national and international clients, throughout Latin America, for high-quality positions. management (Management, Directorships, Presidencies and Boards of Directors).
Throughout her career, Bárbara has evaluated more than 10,000 top management executives, selecting clients across Latin America.
Bárbara is a Board Member at Fundação Dom Cabral (FDC) and Ambassador of ChildFund Brasil – Social Development Organization present in Brazil for 56 years.
She holds a degree in Psychology from PUC-MG, a Post-Graduation in Business from Fundação Dom Cabral. Bárbara is also certified as an Executive Coach by the International Association of Coaching and in Microexpressions and Neurolinguistic programming. She has international experience in England and the USA.
Email: barbara@primetalentbrasil.com.br
Phone numbers: +55 (31) 99198-8585 | +55 (11) 9 7330-8838